Natures Menu Country Hunter Pheasant & Goose Grain Free Wet Dog Food is a delicious, protein packed meal made from pheasant (40%), goose (40%) and a mix of superfoods and vegetables like redcurrant, spinach, and kelp to promote good overall health in your dog.
Made with only top-quality raw ingredients, including human-grade cuts of meat, Natures Menu Country Hunter Pheasant & Goose Grain Free Wet Dog Food is steamed right in the can to lock in those essential nutrients.
Natures Menu Country Hunter Pheasant & Goose Grain Free Wet Dog Food is grain and gluten free, with no artificial additives, colours of flavours, making it a great complete and balanced meal for dogs who may have ingredient sensitivities.
Suitable for adult dogs aged between one and seven years, Natures Menu Country Hunter Pheasant & Goose Grain Free Wet Dog Food can be served alone as a complete meal, or as an alternative to a raw meal where refrigeration options aren’t available.
All Country Hunter complete and balanced meals are veterinary approved and made to FEDIAF guidelines.