Billy + Margot Dry Dog Food with Chicken and Superfood
Wholesome, grain-free dog food
Packed with quality single animal human-grade chicken as well as nourishing and delicious superfoods and holistic ingredients
Chicken with bones supports ongoing bone and teeth health
Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids help support healthy skin and a shiny coat
Designed by renowned nutritionist and proud dog parent, Marie Jones
Packed with nutritious ingredients and delicious flavours, this grain-free, Single Animal Protein dry dog food can be the foundation of your dog's nutrition and, together with water, is all your dog requires for a complete diet. Each ingredient in the dry dog food is specifically chosen for its uniqueness, dynamism and efficacy.
Suitable for adult dogs aged 15 months+. All dogs are individuals and this is a guide only. Daily requirements may vary with breed, age and activity level. We suggest monitoring your dog's weight and adjusting amounts as required.
Adult Daily Feeding Guide:
Dog Weight = g/day
5-10kg = 90-150g/day
11-25 kg = 165 - 295g/day
26-45kg = 295 - 460g/day
46-80kg = 465-640g/day
71+kg = 645g/day