Wellness CORE is a Crufts-winning dog food!
Wellness Core 95% Lamb with Pumpkin Wet Adult Grain Free Dog Food is a tasty, high-quality wet dog food packed full of fresh, real wholefood ingredients.
Suitable for adult dogs aged between one and seven years, Wellness Core 95% Lamb with Pumpkin Wet Adult Grain Free Dog Food can be fed alone as complete wet meal, or as a mixer to a crunchy Wellness Core dry kibble dog food.
Using only high-quality animal proteins, Wellness Core 95% Lamb with Pumpkin Wet Adult Grain Free Dog Food contains no grains or fillers, which promotes optimal health, weight, and longevity.
Wellness Core 95% Lamb with Pumpkin Wet Adult Grain Free Dog Food is made with 95% lamb, a highly digestible protein, as it’s single protein source, as well as nutritious chunks of pumpkin packed with vitamins and minerals to keep your dog happy and healthy.
Wellness Core 95% Lamb with Pumpkin Wet Adult Grain Free Dog Food is a grain free recipe, so is suitable for adult dogs who may suffer from stomach sensitivities.